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Pagination with a NextPageToken in .NET

The NextPageToken method provides more reliable pagination compared to the method of using NumberOfResults and SkipNumberOfResults, especially when updates occur between page requests. Unlike the skip/take method, which could miss or duplicate products when the dataset changes, the NextPageToken keeps track of the exact position in the data sequence, providing consistent results.

var client = new DataAccessor(
  new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"), 
  "your api key", 
var products = new List<ProductResultDetails>();
Guid? nextPageToken = null;

Product List - An empty list to store the retrieved products.
NextPageToken - A nullable GUID used for pagination, initially set to null.

Product Query Loop

The following loop retrieves product details page by page until there are no more pages available.

while (true)
// Create a ProductQuery Object
    var productQuery = new ProductQuery(
        new FilterCollection(),
        excludeProductsWithNoVariants: false,
        pageSize: 3,
        nextPageToken: nextPageToken

    // Next, send the query to the API
    ProductDetailsCollectionResponse response = client.Query(productQuery);
    // Retrieves the token for the next page from the response
    nextPageToken = response.NextPageToken;
    // Adds the retrieved products to the list
    // If nextPageToken is null, no more pages are available, and the loop breaks
    if (!nextPageToken.HasValue)

Loop Breakdown

FilterCollection - Filters to apply (empty in this example).
excludeProductsWithNoVariants - Set to false.
pageSize - Number of products per page (24 in this example). Note that the maximum page size is 1000.
nextPageToken - Token for the next page, starting with null.

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