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The Analytics menu item has three sub items: Revenue, Product Performance, and Analyzers Live View.


The Revenue page is where you get insight into how much revenue is generated on the site, and how much of it has been affected by personalized elements from Relewise.

Revenue Types

Front and center on the page is a graph that shows an overview of the time period selected at the top of the screen. This overview breaks the overall revenue down into four distinct types of revenue: Organic, Anonymous, Assisted, and Direct.

My Relewise global revenue statistics

Organic Revenue

Organic Revenue is that which is registered as not having been affected by Relewise at all. In other words, at no point in the user-journey did the user click on a recommendation offered by Relewise.

Anonymous Revenue

Anonymous Revenue is counted as revenue that is tracked from a user who has declined cookies on the website. Since this use is anonymous, there is no reliable way of knowing whether the user interacted with Relewise elements during their user-journey. Anonymous Revenue is likely to be a mix of organic, assisted, and direct revenue.

Assisted Revenue

Assisted Revenue is revenue generated when Relewise has helped the user navigate the site via recommendations, but where the user ultimately did not purchase the recommended product. If a user goes to product A, sees product B in a recommendation slider and clicks on it, and ultimately buys product C, the sale is registered as Assisted revenue; Relewise helped the user navigate the site and broaden their horizon of the product catalogue, but the recommendations did not directly lead to a sale.

Direct Revenue

Direct Revenue happens when a user engages with a Relewise recommendation, puts the recommended product in the cart, and completes the order.

Location Performance

The Locations Performance overview offers insight into how your various recommendations are performing across the locations being tracked on your website. Being able to correlate a recommendation type to a particular location enables you to better understand what recommendations are performing well, and what areas might be in need of improvement.

My Relewise element revenue statistics

Each location displays all of the various recommendation types that have been tracked to it within the given time period. For each graph, you can see the following details:

Revenue via Relewise

The total revenue from orders that included at least one product that was personalized by this recommendation type in this location. If the user purchased the product recommended to them, it is counted as Direct Revenue. If they merely used it to navigate the site, but still placed an order for different products, it is counted as Assisted Revenue.

Orders via Relewise

The total amount of orders that included at least one product that was personalized by this recommendation type in this location.


The total number of products presented to users by this recommendation type in this location.

Product Performance

Product performance allows you to view the performance level of your best and worst achieving products. The view is split into five distinct categories:

High Potential: Product with low traffic but high conversation rates.

Trending Up: Products that performed well/showed the greatest growth rate over the previous period. A period here is defined as the interval chosen at the top of the page, and this performance metric measures the previous period of the same length as what is currently selected.

Top Selling: Products with the highest conversion rates.

To Improve: Products with high traffic but low conversion rates.

Cart Openers: Products that are typically the first to be added to a user's basket.

MyRelewise Product Performance Overview

Analyzers Live View

If you are using Analyzers via Relewise, the Analyzers Live View page lets you follow their performance in real time, as well as graphed over time.

MyRelewise Analyzers Graph

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