Search Options
Relewise Search can be fitted with several options to fine-tune and improve your users' search experience. Below are the most common features.
It is possible to apply a number of filters to your searches, to define how and when it should return results. These filters range from defining search restrictions based on data key values, to filtering based on assortments, entity category, or view- and purchase behavior tracked to the user. In this way, filters are designed to narrow and specify the scope of a search.
To find a list of available filters in Relewise, we refer either to our SDKs, available via our examples page. Alternatively, the filters can be found on our swagger page.
Filters may also be applied to recommendations.
Batching Searches
Batching is an option that allows for the grouping (batching) of multiple searches into a single request. Batching ensures faster response and load times, and ensures that the result of multiple searches displayed on the same page will be delivered at the same time, thus making sure that all search-related objects display simultaneously.
Specifically, you may use SearchRequestCollection
, which has the Requests
property. Here, you can add a number of different SearchRequests
to be served back to you in one go.
Using this method will return a ResponseCollection
with a Responses
collection. The index of this collection is automatically aligned with the index of the request to ensure ease of use.
Unlike batched recommendations, batched searches can return both product and content results without issue.
Search Batching Use Cases
For instance, you might want to execute both a ProductSearchRequest
and a ContentSearchRequest
at the same time, to present users with both product and content results to their query. Batching them ensures that the results are delivered simultaneously on the page, which makes for a better user experience.
Another use case might be to batch ProductSearchRequest
with SearchTermPredictionRequest
, so that your search results provide product results as well as proactive search term predictions.
The Search Live View
Batching is reflected in the Search Overview, where batched requests are displayed as a single request instead of multiple. To see if a request is batched, and to inspect the details of the batched request, you can click on the Details icon next to the request on the Live View page.
Promoted Variants
When performing a search, it is possible to configure your products to always display a certain variant - typically called a Default Variant or a Promoted Variant.
Configuring promoted variants allows you to define which product variant is shown in search results and on category listings, as an alternative to the default behavior where Relewise picks the most popular variant of the product. This configuration will, however, be overruled if another variant of the product is a better textual match to the search query.
The promoted variant can be configured at a dataset level, and must be done by specifying a datakey at variant level. This datakey can either be a Boolean (true = promoted), or a Double value to promote based on the numeric value in descending order.
If you wish to set up promoted variants, please contact us with the name of the datakey you want to use for promoting variants.