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The integrations page of MyRelewise allows you to track the different type of entity integrations that are being sent to your data set. This gives you an overview of the amount of entities, sorted by type, that exists on your dataset, and lets you track the progress of entity updates and administrative actions happening in real time. Note that this page only concerns itself with entities; for user behavior tracking, see our behavior trackings page.

The top of the integrations page displays different information pertaining to the entity data stored in Relewise, as well as the various API calls being performed.

My Relewise filtering

Tracking API Calls

The following items are tracked by MyRelewise:

Stored Products: Tracks the number of (non-variant) products currently stored in Relewise.

Stored Variants: Tracks the number of variant products currently stored in Relewise.

Stored Product Categories: Tracks the number of Product Categories currently stored in Relewise.

Stored Content: Tracks the number of Content currently stored in Relewise.

Stored Content Categories: Tracks the number of Content Categories currently stored in Relewise.

Stored Brands: Tracks the number of Brands currently stored in Relewise.

Product Updates: Tracks the number of product updates done via the TrackProductUpdate request. This tracking request type is used to add and update products in Relewise.

Product Administrations: Tracks the number of product administrative actions done via the TrackProductAdministrativeAction request. This tracking request type is used to disable, enable, and delete products in Relewise.

Content Updates: Tracks the number of content updates done via the TrackContentUpdate request. This tracking request type is used to add and update content data in Relewise.

Content Administrations: Tracks the number of content administrative actions done via the TrackContentAdministrativeAction request. This tracking request type is used to disable, enable, and delete content data in Relewise.

Brand Updates: Tracks the number of brand updates done via the TrackBrandUpdate request. This tracking request type is used to add and update brands in Relewise.

Brand Administrations: Tracks the number of brand administrative actions done via the TrackBrandAdministrativeAction request. This tracking request type is used to disable, enable, and delete brands in Relewise.

Product Category Updates: Tracks the number of product category updates done via the TrackProductCategoryUpdate request. This tracking request type is used to add and update product categories to Relewise.

Product Category Administrations: Tracks the number of product category administrative actions done via the TrackProductCategoryAdministrativeAction request. This tracking request type is used to disable, enable, or delete product categories to Relewise.

Content Category Updates: Tracks the number of content category updates done via the TrackContentCategoryUpdate request. This tracking request type is used to add and update content categories to Relewise.

Content Category Administrations: Tracks the number of content category administrative actions done via the TrackContentCategoryAdministrativeAction request. This tracking request type is used to disable, enable, or delete content categories to Relewise.

User Updates: The number of user updates tracked. User updates are done with the TrackUserUpdate tracking request type and are used to explicitly update users, e.g. when a user signs up for the newsletter, updating the user with a newsletter Id.

Note: Users are also tracked and updated on all other tracking requests that include a user.

List view

Below the graph is the List View, where you can follow the integration tracking in real-time. Keep in mind that Relewise only shows the 50 most recent tracking requests in this list view. Also be aware that the list view stops tracking updates if you have been inactive in the MyRelewise interface for more than 10 minutes. To resume tracking, simply update the page, and the tracking will resume from that point onward.

My Relewise Trackings list

The Live View interface allows you to search for specific tracking details, as well as to filter the live view results by tracking type.

Details view

Each tracking detail can be inspected by clicking the icon to the right. The details include the actual JSON sent to Relewise, and both the list and the details can provide developers with valuable debug information during development.

My Relewise Trackings details

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