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Changelog: February 2025



  • Added 'Negated' logic to the Search Term condition, which allows for targeting searches that do not contain the specified term.

  • Added more metadata to SearchIndex. RebuildStatus: IsBuilt, IsPartial, LastMarkedAsStale, and StaleDuration.

  • Added the sorting type ProductVariantSpecificationSorting, used for sorting search results by a variant specification value.

  • Predictions are now using behavioral data to compute their order/relevancy. This means that our system now starts learning which predictions are most popular and have the most interactions and conversions. Predictions are also scoped by classifications, so what is popular in one classification may not be popular in another.

  • Search Highlight: Added support for near-match logic, which enables the user to specify the maximum number of words that can separate search terms within a fragment for it to be considered a match.

  • Search Highlight: Added support for specifying how many sentences before and after the match should be included. Combined with before/after word limit, this allows for providing both 'short' snippets, as well as 'bigger' ones when required.

  • Search Highlight: Added the ability to specify how many words to include before and after match, to help guide the text-based shapes of the Search Highlight. This helps pay tribute to solution-specific data, and address questions such as whether it would be enough to include just a few words in the response, or something closer to the broader grammatical structure of the sentence.


  • Changed the logic of product and cart tracking to no longer accept product updates as part of the tracking request, unless the API key being used explicitly allows for this 'implicit' permission. These permissions are safe to apply when product data is being updated as part of a product/cart tracking from a trusted source (e.g. backend system).

  • Data-Driven predictions are now using more context-based knowledge when selecting candidates. This greatly improves data-driven predictions and reduces noise/non-relevant predictions.


  • Fixed a bug in predictions where filters were not evaluated for alternatives, resulting in predictions that would give a zero-hit when searched for.
  • Fixed a bug in the Popular Search Terms Recommendation that would sometimes filter out valuable candidates, as the system thought they were 0-hit searches.
  • Fixed the implementation of negated And-filters. We now follow the Boolean Standard “Negated AND” Logic (De Morgan’s Law).
  • Improved the predictability for the concurrent Retail Media campaign computation.

My Relewise


  • Introduced a new subpage called "Trigger Log" under "Marketing Automation", where you can find information about any executed trigger . This is highly useful for debugging potentially faulty triggers.

  • Merchandising: When applying filters that affect Content, the UI will now display a preview of the Content entities being targeted (up to the first 500).

  • Retail Media: Added an Overview Page. This page help users get valuable insights about incoming requests, and displays a historical graph showing the number of queries, ads and requests over time.

  • Retail Media: Updated the layout of the Campaign details to give a better user experience.

  • Search Index: We now display more information about the rebuild status of a Search Index. On the Search Index page you can now see when it was last rebuilt, how long it took, and when it last started.

  • Search Term Conditions: Added support for using negated conditions for Redirects and Search Term Modifiers.


  • Renamed some navigation items, including "Search Live View", which is now called "Search Overview".
  • Search Analytics: Clarified the text describing when a term is registered as a zero hit to reduce confusion.
  • Search Index: Reworked how to configure Field Predictions to make it simpler to setup an index.


  • API Keys: Fixed a bug where regenerating an API Key would re-render the page unexpectedly, without regenerating the key.
  • Companies: Fixed bug with validation not allowing empty searches after the first search.
  • Search Index: Fixed a bug where disabling a field in a Search Index would clear the data (weight, match type, predictions) stored in the field.
  • Users: Fixed bug with validation not allowing empty searches after the first search.



  • Shopify Integration: We now support fetching information about which publications / sales channels a product or collection is published on. Reach out to Customer Support if you need this information mapped.


  • JS SDK: Breaking Change - Changed how limits for search highlighting are configured.
  • Shopify Theme App Extension: We changed the way we detect cart changes and now support more themes out of the box.



  • Added an article documenting how to setup a Shopify integration without use of the App. Available here.
  • Added documentation for Selection Strategies in Retail Media, which covers how multiple campaigns competing for the same advertisement spot is handled. Available here.


  • Renamed "Live View" to "Overview" in various different places to reflect navigation changes in My Relewise.

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