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Changelog: June 2024



  • Added new API endpoints for Retail Media, as detailed here. Retail Media enables you to create, manage, and present sponsored products, such as particular brands or manufacturers, in prominent positions on your website via Relewise. To learn more about Retail Media, click here.
  • Added new filters, ProductHasCategoriesFilter and ContentHasCategoriesFilter, which can be used to query product- and content entities with or without categories.


  • Changed ProductPopularitySorting to support relevance modifiers and merchandising rules, and made it incorporate how well the search term matches if the search was term-based.


  • Fixed an issue where PrioritizeDiversityBetweenRequests could result in empty recommendation responses.
  • Fixed an issue where requesting a Merchandising rule that does not exist would fail to properly explain the problem. The response message now reflects that a Merchandising Rule with the requested Id cannot be found.

My Relewise


  • Added a new Retail Media interface, which enables you to create, manage, and present sponsored products, such as particular brands or manufacturers, in prominent positions on your website via Relewise. To learn more about Retail Media, click here.
  • Added new DataHasKeyFilter and HasValueCondition to the MyRelewise filter interface.
  • Merchandising: It's now possible to apply merchandising rules based on a user's classifications. This allows you to, for instance, target merchandising rules on the basis of a user's country of origin, or customer segment (B2C, B2B, etc.).
  • Search Analytics: Added an info hover to explain what Average Click Position means, and what an average of 0 entails - namely, that no searches were made that day either for a term or in general.


  • Search Index: Improved the default Search Index configuration to, among other things, disallow fuzziness for the Id-field, to ensure better and more precise matching out the box.
  • Security optimization: Moved storage of our JWT tokens to HttpOnly cookies instead of local/session storage.


  • Fixed an issue where errors for input fields, such as missing input, were not presented to the user the first time the error would occur.
  • Merchandising: Fixed an issue where data filters could have a key that was null or empty when creating or editing a merchandising rule.



  • Demo Shop: Added support for adding Identifiers and Data to users.
  • Demo Shop: Added support for showing Retail Media Sponsored products.
  • Demo Shop: Added support for sorting by relevance and popularity while searching.
  • Demo Shop: Added support for Users and Companies. Users and companies can be stored on a dataset, and are included in the share link. The selected user will be used when calling searches, recommendations and performing tracking.
  • JS SDK: Added query options for Retail Media.



  • Demo Shop: Fixed an issue where requesting a recommendation for a non-configured dataset would cause the app to fail.

  • Demo Shop: Fixed an issue where recommendation grids would cause breaking overflow on mobile views .



  • Added a .NET example for performing pagination in a Product Query using a NextPage token, which offers a more stable and reliable pagination than the previous method of using NumberOfResults and SkipNumberOfResults. Available here.
  • Added documentation for Match Types in the Search Index. Match types allow you to specify how the search should interact with each searchable data key in your search index. Available here.
  • Added documentation for Retail Media, our latest feature allowing you to integrate advertisements directly into your search results, product categories, and PLPs. Read the documentation here, or read more about Retail Media here.
  • Added information on case sensitive keys in Relewise, with an overview of what keys in particular are case sensitive. The overview is available here.
  • Added video documentation for the Relewise app for Shopify. The video details the app, what it does, how it works, and where to get it. Available here.


  • Improved/expanded the Go-live checklist, and moved it to its own page. Available here.
  • Moved the MyRelewise Search Index information to its own sub-page, to help improve readability. Available here.
  • Moved the overview of Data Types supported by Relewise onto its own page, to allow better and easier links directly to the various data types. The page can be found via the Product and Content Data page, or by clicking here.

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