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Changelog: March 2024



  • Added a SinceDaysAgo option to all relative filters and modifiers, which allows them to be relative to the current date instead of an absolute point in time.
  • Added functionality to allow Merchandising Request Context Filters to be evaluated as partial matches. This allows you to make merchandising rules that target requests that contain specific filters, and matching on parts of these filters. For example, you may create a rule to boost all requests that filter on a specific product category Id.
  • Added new filter: ContentCategoryRecentlyViewedByUserFilter. This allows for filtering Content Categories based on whether they have been previously viewed by the user.
  • Added new filter: ContentRecentlyViewedByUserFilter. This allows for filtering Content entities based on whether they have been previously viewed by the user.
  • Added new filter: ProductCategoryRecentlyViewedByUserFilter. This allows for filtering Product Categories based on whether they have been previously viewed by the user.
  • Added new relevance modifier: ContentCategoryDataRelevanceModifier. This allows for modifying the rank of a Content Category based on one of its data properties.
  • Added new relevance modifier: ContentCategoryRecentlyViewedByUserRelevanceModifier. This allows for modifying the rank of a Content Category based on whether it has been previously viewed by the user.
  • Added new relevance modifier: ContentDataRelevanceModifier. This allows for modifying a Content entity's rank based on one of its data properties.
  • Added new relevance modifier: ContentRecentlyViewedByUserRelevanceModifier. This allows for modifying the rank of a Content entity based on whether it has been previously viewed by the user.
  • Added new relevance modifier: ProductCategoryDataRelevanceModifier. This allows for modifying the rank of a Product Category based on one of its data properties.
  • Added new relevance modifier: ProductCategoryRecentlyViewedByUserRelevanceModifier. This allows for modifying the rank of a Product Category based on whether it has been previously viewed by the user.
  • Added relevance modifiers for Company entities. These allow for personalized search and recommendations for B2B scenarios.
  • Introducing Weight Rules! Weight Rules enable us to classify tracked product views and line items from tracked orders into groups. It is possible to configure how each of them is classified by setting up rules to match specific data keys on the products, orders, and line items, or on classification values for the concrete user. Once these are classified, it is possible to define for how long the tracked behavior is relevant to the popularity sortings, what the impact is compared to other tracked behavior, and how quickly the relevance will decay as time parses. This enables scenarios like the following: "If an order has a data property called VoucherPurchase with the value "true" then it should be half as important as other purchases and it should only be considered for the popularity sorting for 10 days".


  • The PopularSearchTerm recommendation now takes the user's classification into consideration, and ensures that the recommended terms have successfully found a product within the last 14 days.


  • Fixed an issue where ContentsViewedAfterViewingMultipleContents could recommend Content entities that were used as input for the recommendations itself.

My Relewise


  • Added the option to exclude disabled entities on all entity pages.
  • Added two new B2B filters: ProductRecentlyPurchasedByUserCompanyFilter and ProductRecentlyViewedByUserCompanyFilter. These can be used to target products that were recently purchased or viewed by the user's company.
  • Entity pages will now show entities on initial page load.
  • Merchandising: It is now possible to create or-filters. This allows for more advanced ways of targeting or boosting products and content, by requiring the rule to fulfill one of several criteria. This saves on having to create multiple merchandising rules for adjacent usecases.


  • When sending out Marketing Automation/Trigger webhooks (such as abandoned cart, product interest and price drop), we now filter settings out of the payload that are only used internally.



  • .NET Client SDK Extensions: Updated to support multiple target frameworks, including netstandard2.0, net6.0, net7.0 and net8.0. Read more here.
  • .NET SDK: Added a better error message when connection is timing out.
  • Shopify App: Added the option to select Metafield as the Product Id strategy when installing or updating the configuration of the app. This strategy will select a product's Id, based on the Metafield specified, when running the integration and when using the theme app extension.
  • Shopify App: Theme app extension now automatically starts tracking relevant information .
  • Shopify App: Theme app extension now includes blocks to render recommendation banners. These recommendations are: PopularProducts, ProductsViewedAfterViewingProduct, and PurchasedWithProduct.
  • Shopify: Added new data property "IsAvailable". This property will take Shopify's inventory management into consideration and indicates if a product should be purchasable on the storefront.
  • Umbraco: Added support for version 13 for our Umbraco integration. Find it here!.


  • JS SDK: Added a better option for building a Similar Products Request, where you don't have to specify every single variation.


  • Web Components: Fixed a bug where PurchasedWithProduct would not render any recommendations.



  • Added an overview of the various sorting types that Relewise supports for our search. Available here.
  • Added documentation for our Faceting options. Available here.


  • Moved information about which Data Types are supported by Relewise from the Implementation Steps page onto the Product and Content Data page. The overview is now available here.
  • Moved the table of Behavioral Tracking Types from the Implementation Steps page to the Behavioral Tracking page. The table is now available here.
  • Updated the .NET and TS/JS tracking examples on the Getting Started page, to be relevant for new clients.
  • Updated the graphics of the MyRelewise -> Merchandising page to reflect recent UI changes.
  • Updated the navigation of the Recommendation Types page to better utilize the new documentation platform layout.


  • Fixed a bug that caused segments of text to temporarily disappear from certain pages.

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