Product Category Search with our PHP client
The examples below are using our PHP SDK, which is available via Packagist.
Start by making a Searcher
use Relewise\Searcher;
// You have to `use` the above to create a Searcher.
$searcher = new Searcher(
"your api key");
$searcher->serverUrl = "the server URL for the dataset";
To make requests with the SDK you need to use
the types from our PHP SDK. The types are located in the namespace Relewise\Models
and an example of using a concrete type could be the following:
use Relewise\Models\ProductSearchRequest;
Before going any further, make sure you have read the following:
- Read about how to authenticate against our API here.
- Read about handling different types of users here.
Also remember to specify your Server URL in your request.
The following shows an example on how to perform a product category search:
$searcher = new Searcher(
'your api key'
$searcher->serverUrl = 'the server URL for the dataset';
$request = ProductCategorySearchRequest::create(
new Language("da"),
new Currency("DKK"),
->setDataKeysFromArray(["Description", "ImagePath"])
$response = $searcher->productCategorySearch($request);
By using SelectedCategoryProperties
it is possible to select the specific properties, from Relewise, that you need for rendering a category tile, list etc. That way we can store fields that are needed for e.g. filtering or Merchandising, but which might not be needed when rendering the actual product. This allows us to reduce the payload on the HTTP responses, by only returning a minimum set of necessary information.