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Changelog: November 2023



  • Added the new RelativeDateTimeCondition to allow filtering relative to the current time in merchandising rules or/and triggers.
  • Added support for VariantIdRelevanceModifier to allow boosting/burying variants based on their ID.
  • Added support for RequestFilters as conditions for Merchandising rules - i.e. a rule which only applies if the configured filters are included in the current request. This enables, for instance, targeting specific category pages.
  • Added integration of DSL's open language resources ( to provide significant improvements to automatic stemming of Danish texts (da/da-dk).
  • Added sticky relevance sorting, which remembers the order of e.g. products in a category or search after navigation.


  • Fixed distinct batches affecting and being affected by RecentlyViewed child recommendations.
  • PopularSearchTermsRecommendations will now apear in the Recommendation Live View in My Relewise.

My Relewise


  • Added support for Company entities.
  • Added Search Results Modifiers to My Relewise. This allows users to limit the results shown in a specific search.
  • Added support for configuring data, such as Title, on search redirect rules.
  • Added support for configuring match types of search index fields.
  • Merchandising Rules List: Added filters to make it easier to find a specific rule.
  • Merchandising: Allow users to add filters to rules. Can be used to apply merchandising rules on category pages.
  • Show created / modified by on API Keys.


  • Merchandising: Filters with entities now only shows up to 5 of the targeted entities and then a count for the remaining.
  • Merchandising: Improved UI when dealing with filters with many entities.
  • Moved tracking of Company entity updates from Behavioral Tracking to Integrations.



  • Demo Store: Added support for the new request cancellation feature from JS SDK 1.20.0.
  • JS SDK: New helper packages has been released to help manage your entities in Relewise. This allows you to send Product, Product Category, Company, Brand, Content and Content Category updates via TS/JS.
  • JS SDK: Added new filters to SDK (ProductCategoryHasProductsFilter, ContentCategoryHasContentsFilter, CompanyDataFilter, CompanyIdFilter, ContentAssortmentFilter) link to release.
  • JS SDK: Updated github documentation to show how to configure of server url.
  • Shopify Integrations: Updated the Shopify API version used for integrations.
  • Web Components: Added a new Product Search Component; this allows you to render a search page from Relewise with facets, sorting and pagination. It can also be used to render category pages.


  • JS SDK: Add missing SalesPriceRanges facet.



  • Added examples on how to track via Google Tag Manager, found here.
  • Added documentation for updating products with JS, found here.
  • Added example of search term prediction with .NET, available here.
  • Added example of search term prediction with PHP, available here.
  • Added example of search term prediction with TS/JS, available here.
  • Added guide on how to gain access to the Slack workspace for support. Available here.
  • Added link from Display Location glossary entry to Behavioral Tracking.
  • Added clarification to use SelectedProductProperty allVariants with caution, if at all.


  • Improved Best Practices page by splitting it into multiple pages.
  • Moved Display Locations documentation out of Best Practice and into Behavioral Tracking.
  • Updated to .NET 8.


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